Given a dataframe created using pvdiv_table_topsnps(), this function creates a dataframe of SNP calls for the subset of SNPs from this annotation table.

pvdiv_bigsnp_subset(snp, type = c("anno", "range"), anno_df, chr, pos1, pos2)



A FBM.code256 object. Genomic information for Panicum virgatum. SNP data is available at doi:10.18738/T8/ET9UAU


One of "anno" or "range", depending on if you are using an annotation dataframe from pvdiv_table_topsnps() or a genomic interval.


One dataframe of annotations from pvdiv_table_topsnps(). This dataframe needs to contain the columns CHR and region_start. It's recommended that you set rangevector = 0 in pvdiv_table_topsnps() to get the SNP itself using this function.


Character string. The chromsome (e.g., "Chr01K") to get SNPs from.


Integer. The low position to start getting SNPs from.


Integer. The high position to stop getting SNPs from.


A FBM.code256 object for the subset of SNPs in the annotation data frame or in the genomic interval.


This function is a wrapper around bigsnpr functions to subset its SNP file format that may be useful if you have a small interval to look at or a small number of SNPs from an annotation table.