Determines the false discovery rate for p-values from a dataframe. By default, this function uses a Benjamini-Hochberg correction on a column called "p.value" to determine a new column of FDR-adjusted p-values.
pvdiv_fdr(gwas_obj, alpha = 0.05, proc = "BH")
A dataframe with a p.value
The type I error threshold. Default is 0.05.
The procedure (used wholesale from multtest::mt.rawp2adjp
used to calculate the False Discovery Rate. Default is Benjamini
Hochberg, "BH".
A tbl_df()
of the original dataframe with a new column named
if (FALSE) {
gwas_df <- read_csv(file = "LEN.full.GWAS.csv.gz", col_names = TRUE,
col_types = "ciinnnn")
gwas_fdr_1 <- pvdiv_fdr(gwas_obj = gwas_df, alpha = 0.1)
gwas_fdr_05 <- pvdiv_fdr(gwas_obj = gwas_df)
gwas_fdr_bonf <- pvdiv_fdr(gwas_obj = gwas_df, proc = "Bonferroni")