A dataset containing the collected metadata information for individuals in the Panicum virgatum diversity panel. The variables are as follows:



A data frame with 1347 rows and 37 variables.


  • PLANT_ID Individual plant name. Unique to each plant. The column we should be using for analyses.

  • SUBPOP Using clustering from an additive kinship matrix, which genetic subpopulation does the PLANT_ID belong to? 4X and 8X individuals have been assigned a ploidy by flow cytometry, but not a subpopulation by sequencing, as of the end of 2020.

  • LIBRARY Four letter library code used for sequencing. IF NA, the plant has not been sequenced as of the end of 2020.

  • GENETIC_SUBPOP_KINSHIP Using clustering from an additive kinship matrix, which genetic subpopulation does the PLANT_ID belong to? NA individuals were not included in the kinship matrix.

  • KINSHIP_ORDER Order of individuals in an additive kinship matrix. Roughly speaking, closer numbers represent more similar individuals.

  • GENETIC_SUBPOP_50PER From hierarchical k=3 analysis done early 2020. Which genetic subpopulation does the PLANT_ID belong to, at 50% assignment or more. Admixed individuals are unassigned PLANT_IDs included in the analysis; NA individuals were not included.

  • GENETIC_SUBPOP_95PER From hierarchical k=3 analysis done early 2020. Which genetic subpopulation does the PLANT_ID belong to, at 95% assignment or more. Admixed individuals are unassigned PLANT_IDs included in the analysis; NA individuals were not included.

  • GULF_Q From hierarchical k=3 analysis done early 2020. Structure Q value for assignment to the Gulf genetic subpopulation. NA individuals were not included in the Structure analysis.

  • ATLANTIC_Q From hierarchical k=3 analysis done winter 2020. Structure Q value for assignment to the Atlantic subpopulation. NA individuals were not included in the Structure analysis.

  • MIDWEST_DA From hierarchical k=3 analysis done winter 2020. DAPC value for assignment to the Midwest subpopulation. NA individuals were not included in the DAPC analysis.

  • ECOTYPE From John's phenotypic analysis of Ecotypes. Which phenotypic group does the PLANT_ID belong to, at 50% assignment or more. NA individuals did not have phenotypic data for this classification.

  • ECOTYPE_NNET From John's neural network extending ecotype classification to individuals without phenotypic data.

  • ECOTYPE_PC1 From John's phenotypic analysis of ecotypes done summer 2019. The first principle component separating individuals into ecotypes.

  • UPLAND_ASSIGNMENT From John's phenotypic analysis of Ecotypes done summer 2019. Assignment to the Upland ecotype.

  • LOWLAND_ASSIGNMENT From John's phenotypic analysis of Ecotypes done summer 2019. Assignment to the Texas ecotype.

  • COASTAL_ASSIGNMENT: From John's phenotypic analysis of Ecotypes done summer 2019. Assignment to the Coastal ecotype.

  • LIB_GROWN For tetraploid plants with sequencing libraries, was the PLANT_ID grown at one or more of the 10 common garden sites in 2018? "Y" = yes, "N" = no. Does not include plants where LIB_PHENO is "N".

  • LIB_BIOCLIM Do we have bioclim variables for this PLANT_ID? "Y" = yes, "N" = no. Does not include plants where LIB_CLIMATE is "N".

  • LIB_CLIMATE John & Jason's decision on whether this PLANT_ID should be used for climate analyses done summer 2019. "Y" = yes, "N" = no.

  • LIB_PHENO John & Jason's decision on whether this PLANT_ID should be used for phenotypic analyses done summer 2019. "Y" = yes, "N" = no.

  • LIB_ACC John & Jason's decision on whether this PLANT_ID should be used for analyses of a single plant per location done summer 2019 . "Y" = yes, "N" = no.

  • LIB_NOTES Notes on John & Jason's decisions for the above 3 columns. This analysis was done summer 2019.

  • PLOIDY Ploidy as determined by both sequencing & flow cytometry analyses done in 2019. Typically 4X (tetraploid) or 8X (octoploid).

  • COLLECTION_TYPE Original plant collection metadata. What kind of collection was this? Breeding selection, Natural collection, Cultivar.

  • COLLECTION_METHOD How was the plant collected?

  • COLLECTOR Who collected this plant?

  • STATE State of the United States that the plant was collected from.

  • COUNTY County that the plant was collected from.

  • LATITUDE Latitude of origin of the collected plant.

  • LONGITUDE Longitude of origin of the collected plant.

  • ELEVATION Elevation of origin of the collected plant.

  • NOTE_LATLONG Notes on exactness of latitude & longitude of collection

  • LOCALITY Additional details on plant collection location.

  • TAXON Genus & species of the collected plant.

  • HABITAT Details on habitat of plant collection location, if known.

  • COLL_DATE Information on plant collection date, if known.

  • PLANTED_2018 All plants clonally replicated and transplanted into one or more common garden in the summer of 2018.


Alice MacQueen alice.macqueen@utexas.edu